
2.3 KiB


Some explanations

I was so bored of having a "Git project" into my $HOME/ directory, so this is the workaround from now :

  • The .dotfiles/ folder you see above is in the $HOME/ directory

  • It contains .git's internals, as long as LICENSE and files

  • With the procedure below, we are able to set the Git working tree elsewhere than its original location (~/.dotfiles/)

This "method" is a very good compromise to avoid :

  1. Git bare folder solutions

  2. Dot files aliases directly set in $HOME/ directory

  3. A non-versioning setup, 'cause Git is a pain to use in such conditions


Each step is commented and has been tested many times 😉

# Install concerned packages :
apt install zsh fzf git git-lfs terminator nano htop neofetch

# Install required dependencies :
apt install rsync fonts-powerline
# ... and then (manually) install :
# * MesloNLG Nerd Font : <> (copy .TTF files under /usr/share/fonts/truetype/meslo/ if you don't have a tool to install them automatically)
# * Archey 4 : <>
# * Bat : <>
# * PrettyPing : <>
# * Sublime Text : <>

# Move to your home directory
# Don't worry, it'll stay clean afterwards !

# Fetch this repository
git clone

# We'll need this to match hidden files...
shopt -s dotglob

# Let's move out all of its content
rsync -ar --remove-source-files dotfiles/ ./
# ... but care : Git's internals have to be ELSEWHERE !
mv .git/ .dotfiles/

# We won't need it anymore...
rm -rf dotfiles/

# Let's go inside this hidden folder 😨
cd .dotfiles/

# Let's tweak Git configuration just a bit
git config --local core.worktree ../..
git config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

# Verify that everything is correct
git status

Working with this configuration

In order to commit some modifications, just go to ~/.dotfiles, and act like it was a "regular Git project".
For instance, to add new dot files, run something like :

git add ../.<dot_file_name>
git commit #...