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Install Spotify Client on Pi Model B 2013-12-17 install-spotify-client-on-pi-model-b post Hacking

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If you want to use Spotify on a Raspberry, there is two ways.

Firstly, you can install Pi MusicBox, a modified distribution adapted for Spotify, or choose another method : install Despotify (you'll need a Premium account).

We'll begin installing some libraries required :

# apt-get install libao-dev libtool git lbssl-dev libmpg123-dev libvorbis-dev libncursesw5-dev subversion

Now, we need to download the software from the Web :

$ svn co despotify

We move into the directory downloaded :

$ cd despotify/src/

We compile :

$ make

We run the installation :

# make install

You can now run this client with :

$ despotify-simple <username> <password>