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# MineSAUP
> A configurable Minecraft Server (Auto-)Updater.
## Dependency
* `python3` (>= 3.6)
## Installation
### Manually
git clone https://git.forestier.app/HorlogeSkynet/MineSAUP.git
## Usage
python3 minesaup.py --help
# First time you install a Minecraft server ? Sure.
python3 minesaup.py -i /path/to/minecraft.jar
# Wanna preserve the current server binary somehow ? Sure.
python3 minesaup.py -b /path/to/minecraft.jar
file /path/to/minecraft.jar.bak # A copy of the previous version appeared.
# You need to start/stop your server before/after updating your server ? Sure.
python3 minesaup.py \
--pre-hook 'systemctl stop minecraft.service' \
--post-hook 'systemctl start minecraft.service' \
# Always wanna be running the latest Mojang's snapshot version ? Sure !
python3 minesaup.py -s /path/to/minecraft.jar
Of course, exit status codes are consistent for proper script (including CRON) usages.
If the `pre-hook` fails, the update **DOES NOT** occur.
If the `post-hook` fails, the update **WOULD NOT** be rolled-back
## Related Project
* Inspired from [MinecraftUpdater](https://github.com/eclair4151/MinecraftUpdater)