59 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable File

_WIFSS Is a F*cking Simple Service_
## What do I have to install and how can I use it ?
1. `# aptitude install gcc make openssl libssl-dev`
2. * `$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.temp.key 4096`
* `$ openssl rsa -in server.temp.key -out server.key && rm server.temp.key`
* `$ openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr`
* `$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt`
* `$ cp server.crt client.crt`
3. `$ make`
4. `$ ./WServer`
5. `$ ./WClient`
## Commands available...
### ... for the clients
`send <message>`
`whisper <idClient> <message>`
### ... for the server
`send <message>`
`whisper <idClient> <message>`
`disconnect <idClient> ['-1' = all]`
### Additional notes
1. The client now relies on `getAddrInfo()` to retrieve some additional information about the address you wanna connect to. So you may use `localhost` as host address to test this project in local, once the server is running and listening.
2. No data are saved by server, it's just a "bridge" between clients.
3. Do not hesitate to open a new **issue** if you encounter any problem or any case not yet handled by _WIFSS_.
## What we had to say
### Why ?
> Because at the very beginning, the project was about creating a software solution which could propose a "file transfer service", between some clients, relayed by an unique server.
But _WIFSS_ original architecture was not designed to deal with "protocols" like that, so we've fallen back on a simple centralized chat service (like the v0.1 [never tagged] was in 2014 :confused:).
### And the real _why_ behind all this ?
> Yeah sorry. This project has been created in order to learn how we can use the API socket in C ("The real one", should we say ?), and... despite everything, we think this is the case now :relieved: