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# AppArmor
> A Sublime Text 3+ syntax definition for your AppArmor profiles
## Introduction
[AppArmor]( is a Linux kernel module implementing a mandatory access control (MAC), which allows system administrators to confine their applications by writing intelligible plain text profiles.
This project aims to provide a "basic" profile syntax definition for Sublime Text.
## Installation
### With Package Control
1. Open your command palette and type in : `Package Control: Install Package`
2. Browse the list or search for `AppArmor`
3. Press `Enter` and you're done !
Package Control dedicated page [here](
### Manually
1. Go to the Sublime Text packages folder (usually `$HOME/.config/sublime-text/Packages/` or `%AppData%\Sublime Text\Packages\`)
2. Clone this repository there : `git clone`
3. Restart Sublime Text and... :tada:
## Usage
### Syntax
* Open your command palette and type in : `Set Syntax: AppArmor`
* Click on the bottom-right corner : `AppArmor`
* `View > Syntax > AppArmor`
### Build
* Open your command palette and type in : `Build With: AppArmor`
* Press `CTRL + B`
* `Tools > Build`
## Frequently Asked Questions
### Do you plan to support the _whole_ AppArmor syntax ?
> No, but feel free to contribute.
### Why does this syntax coloration s\*cks ?
> Well, sorry to hear that. Grammar wasn't my favorite course at school.
> I'd be pleased to review any [issue]( or pull request.
### Why didn't you convert the [official Yacc parser]( to [Sublime's definition syntax]( ?
> [It looks like]( such a tool does not exist (yet ?).
### Would this plugin help me write a secure AppArmor profile for my application ?
> No, but I would advise you to read [a full set of AppArmor profiles]( publicly maintained by [@roddhjav](
### I've noticed you got an extensive tests suite, can I run it ?
> Of course, open the `AppArmor.sublime-syntax` file, press `CTRL + Shift + B` and choose `Build With: Syntax Tests`.