
39 lines
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"""Simple class (acting as a singleton) to handle processes listing"""
import logging
import typing
from subprocess import PIPE, CalledProcessError, check_output
from archey.singleton import Singleton
class Processes(metaclass=Singleton):
"""At startup, instantiate this class to populate a list of running processes"""
def __init__(self):
self._processes: typing.List[str]
ps_output = check_output(["ps", "-eo", "comm"], stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
except FileNotFoundError:
self._processes = []
logging.warning("`procps` (or `procps-ng`) couldn't be found on your system.")
except CalledProcessError as process_error:
self._processes = []
"This implementation of `ps` might not be supported : %s", process_error.stderr
# Discard first heading line here.
self._processes = ps_output.splitlines()[1:]
def list(self) -> tuple:
"""Simple getter to retrieve (am immutable copy of) the processes list"""
return tuple(self._processes)
def number(self) -> int:
"""Simple getter to retrieve the number of stored processes"""
return len(self._processes)