
298 lines
12 KiB

"""Disk usage detection class"""
import platform
import plistlib
import re
from subprocess import DEVNULL, PIPE, check_output, run
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List
from archey.colors import Colors
from archey.entry import Entry
class Disk(Entry):
"""Uses `df` to compute disk usage across devices"""
_ICON = "\U000f16df" # md_tape_drive
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# Populate an output from `df`
self._disk_dict = self._get_df_output_dict()
config_filesystems: List[str] = self.options.get("show_filesystems", ["local"])
# See `Disk._get_df_output_dict` for the format we use in `self.value`.
if config_filesystems == ["local"]:
self.value = self._get_local_filesystems()
self.value = self._get_specified_filesystems(config_filesystems)
def _get_local_filesystems(self) -> Dict[str, dict]:
Extracts local (i.e. /dev/xxx) filesystems for any *NIX from `self._disk_dict`,
returning a copy with those filesystems only.
Ignored device paths are...
Loop devices:-
/dev(/...)/loop filesystems (Linux)
/dev(/...)/*vnd filesystems (BSD)
/dev(/...)/lofi filesystems (Solaris)
Device mappers:- (since their partitions are already included!)
/dev(/...)/dm filesystems (Linux)
(macOS only) any APFS volumes, only APFS containers are counted
# Compile a REGEXP pattern to match the device paths we will accept.
device_path_regexp = re.compile(r"^\/dev\/(?:(?!loop|[rs]?vnd|lofi|dm).)+$")
# If we are on macOS, then remove APFS volumes from our disk dict
# and replace them with their respective containers.
if platform.system() == "Darwin":
disk_dict = self._replace_apfs_volumes_by_their_containers()
disk_dict = self._disk_dict
# Build the dictionary
local_disk_dict: Dict[str, dict] = {}
for mount_point, disk_data in disk_dict.items():
if (
# De-duplication based on `device_path`s:
and not any(
disk_data["device_path"] == present_disk_data["device_path"]
for present_disk_data in local_disk_dict.values()
local_disk_dict[mount_point] = disk_data
return local_disk_dict
def _replace_apfs_volumes_by_their_containers(self) -> Dict[str, dict]:
# Call `diskutil` to generate a property list (PList) of all APFS containers
property_list = plistlib.loads(check_output(["diskutil", "apfs", "list", "-plist"]))
except FileNotFoundError:
"APFS volumes cannot be deduplicated as diskutil program could not be found."
return self._disk_dict
except plistlib.InvalidFileException:
"APFS volumes cannot be deduplicated as diskutil output could not be parsed."
return self._disk_dict
# Local (shallow) copy of `_disk_dict`
disk_dict = self._disk_dict.copy()
# Generate an inverted disk_dict: from device_path -> mount_point
inverted_disk_dict = {
value["device_path"]: mount_point for mount_point, value in disk_dict.items()
# Remove volumes from disk_dict and replace with their aggregated containers
for plist_container in property_list["Containers"]:
# Temporary dict for each container
container_dict = {
# the container's "real" location:
"device_path": f"/dev/{plist_container['DesignatedPhysicalStore']}",
"used_blocks": 0,
"total_blocks": 0,
for plist_volume in plist_container["Volumes"]:
# Get volumes which start with this volume's device path, i.e. include snapshots
volume_paths = [
for device_path in inverted_disk_dict.keys()
if device_path.startswith(f"/dev/{plist_volume['DeviceIdentifier']}")
for volume_path in volume_paths:
# Get this volume from disk_dict (removing it)
volume = disk_dict.pop(inverted_disk_dict[volume_path])
except KeyError:
# skip this volume as it misses from `disk_dict`
# Now add it to the container entry
container_dict["used_blocks"] += volume["used_blocks"]
# Total is always the container total
container_dict["total_blocks"] = volume["total_blocks"]
# Use the "reference" (virtual disk) as the mountpoint, since APFS containers
# cannot be directly mounted
disk_dict[plist_container["ContainerReference"]] = container_dict
return disk_dict
def _get_specified_filesystems(self, specified_filesystems: Iterable[str]) -> Dict[str, dict]:
Extracts the specified filesystems (if found) from `self._disk_dict`,
returning a copy with those filesystems only, preserving specified mount point names.
Searching for non-existent filesystems or filesystems based on device paths is slower,
so try to only search for existing *mount points* if possible!
specified_disk_dict = {}
for filesystem in specified_filesystems:
# Let's use EAFP and first assume the filesystem is a mount point,
# since the dictionary lookup is O(1).
specified_disk_dict[filesystem] = self._disk_dict[filesystem]
# If we reach here, we found the filesystem - we can move on to the next.
except KeyError:
# It's not a mount point!
# Now assume this is a device path.
for mount_point, disk_data in self._disk_dict.items():
if disk_data["device_path"] == filesystem:
specified_disk_dict[mount_point] = disk_data
# We only need one match, so we can stop when it's found.
return specified_disk_dict
def _get_df_output_dict() -> Dict[str, dict]:
Runs `df -P -k` and returns disks in a dict formatted as:
'mount_point_1': {
'device_path': AAA,
'used_blocks': BBB,
'total_blocks': CCC
'mount_point_2': {
'device_path': XXX,
'used_blocks': YYY,
'total_blocks': ZZZ
Mount points are used as keys since they are always unique.
df_output = run(
["df", "-P", "-k"],
env={"LANG": "C"},
# On error, `df` may "hold" `EXIT_FAILURE` as exit status code.
# Thus, we purposely silence STDERR and ignore its returned status code.
# See #92 (related to flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal#512).
except FileNotFoundError:
# `df` isn't available on this system.
return {}
df_output_dict = {}
for df_entry_match in re.finditer(
\d+\s+ # avail blocks
\d+%\s+ # capacity
flags=re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE,
total_blocks = int("total_blocks"))
# Skip entries missing the number of blocks.
if total_blocks == 0:
df_output_dict["mount_point")] = {
"used_blocks": int("used_blocks")),
"total_blocks": total_blocks,
return df_output_dict
def _blocks_to_human_readable(blocks: float, suffix: str = "B") -> str:
Returns human-readable format of `blocks` supplied in kibibytes (1024 bytes).
Taken (and modified) from: <>
for unit in ("Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi"):
if blocks < 1024.0:
blocks /= 1024.0
return f"{blocks:02.1f} {unit}{suffix}"
def output(self, output) -> None:
Adds the entry to `output` after formatting with color and units.
Follows the user configuration supplied for formatting.
# Fetch our `filesystems` object locally so we can modify it safely.
filesystems = self.value
if not filesystems:
# We didn't find any disk, fall back to the default entry behavior.
# DRY configuration object for the output.
disk_labels = self.options.get("disk_labels")
hide_entry_name = self.options.get("hide_entry_name")
# Combine all entries into one grand-total if configured to do so.
if self.options.get("combine_total", True):
name =
# Rewrite our `filesystems` object as one combining all of them.
filesystems = {
None: {
"device_path": None,
"used_blocks": sum(
filesystem_data["used_blocks"] for filesystem_data in filesystems.values()
"total_blocks": sum(
filesystem_data["total_blocks"] for filesystem_data in filesystems.values()
# We will only use disk labels and entry name hiding if we aren't combining entries.
name = ""
# Hide `Disk` from entry name only if the user specified it... as long as a label.
if not hide_entry_name or not disk_labels:
name +=
if disk_labels:
if not hide_entry_name:
name += " "
name += "({disk_label})"
# We will only run this loop a single time for combined entries.
for mount_point, filesystem_data in filesystems.items():
# Select the corresponding level color based on disk percentage usage.
level_color = Colors.get_level_color(
(filesystem_data["used_blocks"] / filesystem_data["total_blocks"]) * 100,
self.options.get("warning_use_percent", 50),
self.options.get("danger_use_percent", 75),
# Set the correct disk label
if disk_labels == "mount_points":
disk_label = mount_point
elif disk_labels == "device_paths":
disk_label = filesystem_data["device_path"]
disk_label = None
pretty_filesystem_value = f"{level_color}{{}}{Colors.CLEAR} / {{}}".format(
output.append(name.format(disk_label=disk_label), pretty_filesystem_value)