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synced 2025-03-12 04:00:13 +01:00
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# Archey4 AppArmor profile
# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 - Michael Bromilow
# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 - Samuel Forestier <samuel+dev@forestier.app>
# Please edit local profile extension (/etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.bin.archey4).
abi <abi/3.0>,
include <tunables/global>
profile archey4 /usr/{,local/}bin/archey{,4} {
include <abstractions/base>
include <abstractions/consoles>
include <abstractions/nameservice>
include <abstractions/openssl>
include <abstractions/python>
include <abstractions/ssl_certs>
/usr/bin/ r,
/usr/{,local/}bin/archey{,4} r,
# configuration files
owner @{HOME}/.config/archey4/*.json r,
/etc/archey4/*.json r,
# required in order to kill sub-processes in timeout
capability kill,
signal (send),
# allow running processes listing through ps
/{,usr/}bin/ps PUx,
# allow distro to parse system data sources
/usr/lib/os-release r,
/etc/*[-_]{release,version} r,
/{,usr/}bin/lsb_release PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/uname PUx,
# allow screenshot tools execution
/{,usr/}bin/escrotum PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/flameshot PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/gnome-screenshot PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/grim PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/import-im6.q16{,hdri} PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/maim PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/scrot PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/shutter PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/spectacle PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/xfce4-screenshoter PUx,
# [CPU] entry
/{,usr/}bin/lscpu PUx,
# [Desktop Environment] entry
/usr/share/xsessions/*.desktop r,
# [Disk] entry
/{,usr/}bin/df PUx,
# [GPU] entry
/{,usr/}bin/lspci PUx,
@{sys}/kernel/debug/dri/[0-9]*/{name,v3d_ident} r,
# [Hostname] entry
/etc/hostname r,
# [Load Average] entry
@{PROC}/loadavg r,
# [Model] entry
@{PROC}/device-tree/model r,
@{sys}/devices/virtual/dmi/id/* r,
/{,usr/}bin/systemd-detect-virt PUx,
/{,usr/}{,s}bin/virt-what PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/getprop PUx,
# [Packages] entry
/{,usr/}bin/ls rix,
/{,usr/}bin/apk PUx,
#/{,usr/}bin/apt PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/dnf PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/dpkg PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/emerge PUx,
/usr/{,local/}bin/flatpak PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/nix-env PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/pacman PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/pacstall PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/pkgin PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/port PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/rpm PUx,
/usr/{,local/}bin/snap PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/yum PUx,
/{,usr/}bin/zypper PUx,
# [RAM] entry
/{,usr/}bin/free rix,
# [Temperature] entry
@{sys}/devices/thermal/thermal_zone[0-9]*/temp r,
/{,usr/}bin/sensors PUx,
/{,opt/vc/,usr/}bin/vcgencmd PUx,
# [Uptime] entry
@{PROC}/uptime r,
/{,usr/}bin/uptime rix,
# [User] & [Shell] entries
/{,usr/}bin/getent rix,
# [WAN IP] entry (and potentially [Kernel])
/{,usr/}bin/dig PUx,
network inet stream, # urllib (HTTP/IP)
network inet6 stream, # urllib (HTTP/IPv6)
# [Window Manager] entry
/{,usr/}bin/wmctrl PUx,
# allow profile extension (e.g. for user-defined [Custom] entries)
include if exists <local/usr.bin.archey4>