mirror of https://github.com/HorlogeSkynet/Nftables synced 2024-10-22 04:00:10 +02:00
2023-09-16 18:22:05 +02:00

649 lines
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# SYNTAX TEST "Nftables.sublime-syntax"
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
# <- source.nftables punctuation.definition.comment.nftables
# <- comment.line.nftables
include "ipv4-nat.ruleset"
# <- keyword.control.import.nftables
# ^ string.quoted.double.nftables meta.string.nftables punctuation.definition.string.begin.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.path.nftables string.quoted.double.nftables meta.string.nftables
# ^ punctuation.definition.string.end.nftables
include "some esc\aped character and # false comments"
# ^^ constant.character.escape.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.string.nftables - comment.line.nftables
include "a more complex string
with multiple \
lines" # <- punctuation.separator.continuation.nftables
# <- meta.string.nftables
define _ = 0xDEAD
define google_dns =
# <- keyword.control.define.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.constant.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.assignment.nftables
# ^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.ipv4-address.nftables
define ntp_servers = {,, }
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.anonymous-set.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.object.anonymous-set.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.comma.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.end.anonymous-set.nftables
redefine google_dns = \
# <- keyword.control.define.nftables
# ^^^^^ invalid.illegal.trailing-character.nftables
define localhost_v6 = ::1/64#IPv6
# ^^^^^^ constant.numeric.ipv6-subnet.nftables
# ^ punctuation.definition.comment.nftables
# ^^^^^ comment.line.nftables
define localhost_v4 =
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.ipv4-subnet.nftables
define local_nets = { $localhost_v4, $localhost_v6 }
# ^ punctuation.definition.variable.nftables
# ^ variable.other.constant.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.comma.nftables
# ^ punctuation.definition.variable.nftables
# ^ variable.other.constant.nftables
define iface = enp0s20f0
# ^ string.unquoted.nftables
;;; ; ;;;
# <- punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
# ^^^ - punctuation.terminator.nftables
# ^^^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
list ruleset arp ; flush ruleset
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ keyword.other.ruleset.nftables
# ^ constant.language.family-type.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
# ^ keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ keyword.other.ruleset.nftables
add table ip6 filter
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ storage.type.table.nftables
# ^ constant.language.family-type.nftables
# ^ entity.name.table.nftables
add table inet mytable { flags dormant; }
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.block.table.nftables
# ^ storage.type.table-flags.nftables
# ^ constant.language.table-flag.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
destroy table ip missingtable
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ entity.name.table.nftables
add chain filter input { type filter hook input priority 0; }
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ entity.name.chain.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.chain.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.block.chain.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain-type.nftables
# ^ constant.language.chain-type.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain-hook.nftables
# ^ constant.language.hook.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain-priority.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.block.end.chain.nftables
add rule filter input ip saddr $google_dns counter
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ storage.type.rule.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.chain.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^ source.nftables
# ^ punctuation.definition.variable.nftables
# ^ variable.other.constant.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
add rule filter input ct helper set udp dport map { \
# ^ storage.type.ct-helper.nftables keyword.declaration.ct-helper.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ storage.type.map.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.anonymous-set.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.continuation.nftables
69 : "tftp-69", \
# <- constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.colon.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.nftables meta.string.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.comma.nftables
5060 : "sip-5060" \
# <- punctuation.section.braces.end.anonymous-set.nftables
add filter input position 1 ip saddr $ntp_servers counter
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.chain.nftables
# ^ keyword.other.handle.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ punctuation.definition.variable.nftables
# ^ variable.other.constant.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
add rule ip filter input ip protocol vmap { tcp : jump tcp-chain, udp : jump udp-chain, icmp : jump icmp-chain }
# ^ constant.language.family-type.nftables
# ^ storage.type.map.nftables keyword.declaration.map.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.anonymous-set.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.readwrite.chain.nftables
reset rules
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ storage.type.rules.nftables
reset rules table inet t
# ^ storage.type.table.nftables
# ^ constant.language.family-type.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
reset rules chain inet t c
# ^ storage.type.chain.nftables
# ^ constant.language.family-type.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.chain.nftables
add map filter ports { type inet_service : verdict ; }
# ^ storage.type.set.nftables keyword.declaration.set.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ entity.name.set.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.named-set.nftables
# ^ storage.type.set-type.nftables
# ^ constant.language.data-type.nftables
# ^ constant.language.verdict.nftables
add rule filter output quota name tcp dport map @ports
# ^ storage.type.quota.nftables keyword.declaration.quota.nftables
# ^ storage.type.map.nftables keyword.declaration.map.nftables
# ^ punctuation.definition.variable.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.set.nftables
add rule netdev filter output ether saddr set aa:BB:cc:dd:ff:ee fwd to eth0
# ^^^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.mac-address.nftables
# ^^^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
insert rule filter output position 8 ip daddr drop
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ storage.type.rule.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.chain.nftables
# ^ keyword.other.handle.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
replace rule filter input handle 2 counter
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ storage.type.rule.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.chain.nftables
# ^ keyword.other.handle.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
## Not yet implemented, but who knows ?
## See <https://wiki.nftables.org/wiki-nftables/index.php/Simple_rule_management#Removing_rules>
delete rule filter output ip saddr counter
# <- keyword.other.command.nftables
# ^ storage.type.rule.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.chain.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
add map filter whitelist { type ipv4_addr . inet_service : verdict ; }
# ^ keyword.operator.concatenation.nftables
# ^ constant.language.data-type.nftables
# ^ constant.language.verdict.nftables
add element filter whitelist { . 22 : accept}
# ^ storage.type.element.nftables keyword.declaration.element.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.set.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.anonymous-set.nftables
# ^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.ipv4-address.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.concatenation.nftables
# ^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
add map filter mystats { \
type ipv4_addr : counter ; }
# <- storage.type.set-type.nftables
# ^ constant.language.data-type.nftables
add rule filter input counter name \
ip saddr map @mystats
# ^ keyword.declaration.map.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.set.nftables
add rule filter input delete @mystats { ip daddr }
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
add secmark filter sshtag { "system_u:object_r:ssh_server_packet_t:s0" }
# ^ storage.type.secmark.nftables
# ^ entity.name.secmark.nftables
# ^ meta.object.secmark.nftables punctuation.section.braces.begin.secmark.nftables
# ^ string.quoted.double.nftables
table ip nat {
# <- storage.type.table.nftables keyword.declaration.table.nftables
# ^ constant.language.family-type.nftables
# ^ entity.name.table.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.table.nftables
chain prerouting {
# <- storage.type.chain.nftables keyword.declaration.chain.nftables
# ^ entity.name.chain.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.chain.nftables
# <- meta.block.table.nftables meta.block.chain.nftables
type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain-policy.nftables
# ^ constant.language.chain-policy.nftables
# <- meta.block.table.nftables meta.block.chain.nftables
dnat tcp dport map { 1000 : ::1, 2000 : } : tcp dport map { 1000 : 1234, 2000 : 2345 } ;
# ^ storage.type.map.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.anonymous-set.nftables
# ^^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.colon.nftables
# ^^^ constant.numeric.ipv6-address.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.comma.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.colon.nftables
# <- meta.block.table.nftables meta.block.chain.nftables
# <- punctuation.section.block.end.chain.nftables
# <- meta.block.table.nftables - meta.block.chain.nftables
# <- punctuation.section.block.end.table.nftables
# <- - meta.block.table.nftables
table inet filter {
chain input {
# ^^^^^ entity.name.chain.nftables
ct status dnat accept
# ^^^^ - keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
ct status ! snat,dnat accept
# ^ keyword.operator.bitwise.nftables
# ^^^^ - keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.comma.nftables
# ^^^^ - keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
ct status { snat, dnat } accept
# ^^^^ - keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.comma.nftables
# ^^^^ - keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-solicit, nd-router-advert } accept
# ^^^^ - storage.type.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.object.anonymous-set.nftables
fib daddr . iif type local accept
# ^ keyword.operator.concatenation.nftables
# ^^^^ - storage.type.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
ip daddr != fib daddr type local counter
# ^^^^ - storage.type.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# <- keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
last used never
# <- keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ constant.language.last-used.nftables
# ^ constant.language.last-never.nftables
last used 49m54s884ms
# ^^^^^^^^^^^ string.unquoted.time-string.nftables
counter packets 42 bytes 1764
# <- keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.counter-unit.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.counter-unit.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
table a-strang3_Name {
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.table.nftables
flags dormant
# <- storage.type.table-flags.nftables
# ^ constant.language.table-flag.nftables
undefine google_dns
# <- keyword.control.undefine.nftables
# ^ variable.other.constant.nftables
synproxy https-synproxy {
# <- storage.type.synproxy.nftables
# ^ entity.name.synproxy.nftables
mss 1460
# <- storage.type.synproxy-mss.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
wscale 7;
# <- storage.type.synproxy-wscale.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
timestamp sack-perm
# <- storage.type.synproxy-timestamp.nftables
# ^ storage.type.synproxy-sack-perm.nftables
secmark sshtag { "system_u:object_r:ssh_server_packet_t:s0" }
# <- storage.type.secmark.nftables
# ^ entity.name.secmark.nftables
# ^ meta.object.secmark.nftables punctuation.section.braces.begin.secmark.nftables
# ^ string.quoted.double.nftables
quota q_until_sip { until 100 mbytes used 0 bytes }
# <- storage.type.quota.nftables keyword.declaration.quota.nftables
# ^ entity.name.quota.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.object.quota.nftables
# ^ constant.language.quota-mode.nftables
# ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ constant.language.quota-used.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
quota q_over_http { over 500 mbytes ; comment "cap http (but not https)" ; }
# ^ string.unquoted.quota-unit.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
# ^ storage.type.quota-comments.nftables
# ^ string.quoted.double.nftables
limit lim_400ppm { rate 400/minute }
# <- storage.type.limit.nftables keyword.declaration.limit.nftables
# ^ entity.name.limit.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.object.limit.nftables
# ^ storage.type.limit-rate.nftables
# ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.limit-rate.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.time-string.nftables
limit lim_1kbps { rate over 1024 bytes/second burst 512 bytes ; comment "use to limit incoming smtp" ; }
# ^ constant.language.limit-mode.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.limit-unit.nftables
# ^ constant.language.limit-burst.nftables
# ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
# ^ storage.type.limit-comments.nftables
# ^ string.quoted.double.nftables
ct helper sip-5060 {
# <- - storage.type.nftables
# ^ storage.type.ct-helper.nftables keyword.declaration.ct-helper.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.ct-helper.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.ct-helper.nftables
type "sip" protocol udp;
# <- storage.type.ct-helper-type.nftables
# ^^^^^ meta.string.nftables
# ^ storage.type.ct-helper-protocol.nftables
# ^ constant.language.l4-proto.nftables
# <- meta.object.ct-helper.nftables
l3proto inet;
# <- storage.type.ct-helper-l3proto.nftables
# ^ constant.language.family-type.nftables
# <- meta.object.ct-helper.nftables
# <- punctuation.section.braces.end.ct-helper.nftables
ct expectation e_pgsql {
# ^ storage.type.ct-expectation.nftables keyword.declaration.ct-expectation.nftables
protocol tcp
dport 5432
timeout 1h
# <- storage.type.ct-expectation-timeout.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.time-string.nftables
size 12
l3proto ip
# <- storage.type.ct-expectation-l3proto.nftables
# ^ constant.language.family-type.nftables
ct timeout agressive-tcp {
# ^ storage.type.ct-timeout.nftables keyword.declaration.ct-timeout.nftables
protocol tcp;
# <- storage.type.ct-timeout-protocol.nftables
# ^ constant.language.l4-proto.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
l3proto ip;
policy = { established: 100, close_wait: 4, close: 4 }
# <- storage.type.ct-timeout-policy.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.assignment.nftables
# ^ meta.object.anonymous-set.nftables
set filter {
# <- storage.type.set.nftables keyword.declaration.set.nftables
# ^ entity.name.set.nftables
# <- meta.object.named-set.nftables
type inet_service; flags constant, interval;
# <- storage.type.set-type.nftables
# ^ constant.language.data-type.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
# ^ storage.type.set-flags.nftables
# ^ constant.language.set-flag.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.comma.nftables
# ^ constant.language.set-flag.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
# <- storage.type.set-automerge.nftables
size 65535
# <- storage.type.set-size.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
timeout 3d45m1s;
# <- storage.type.set-timeout.nftables
# ^^^^^^^ string.unquoted.time-string.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
gc-interval 60s;
# <- storage.type.set-gcinterval.nftables
# ^^^ string.unquoted.time-string.nftables
comment "list of unwanted traffic by IP address"
# <- storage.type.set-comments.nftables
# ^ string.quoted.double.nftables
# <- storage.type.set-counter.nftables
elements = { domain, ntp timeout 30s }
# <- storage.type.set-elements.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.assignment.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.object.anonymous-set.nftables
# ^ storage.type.set-element-timeout.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.time-string.nftables
# <- meta.object.named-set.nftables
# <- punctuation.section.braces.end.named-set.nftables
set myset {
typeof ip daddr . tcp dport
# <- storage.type.set-typeof.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.concatenation.nftables
elements = { \ . 22 counter packets 0 bytes 0, \
# ^ storage.type.set-element-counter.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.counter-unit.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.counter-unit.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables . 23 counter packets 0 bytes 0, \ . 24 counter packets 0 bytes 0, \
map addr2mark {
typeof ip saddr . tcp dport : verdict
# <- storage.type.set-typeof.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.concatenation.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.colon.nftables
# ^ constant.language.verdict.nftables
elements = { . 80 : 0x00000001, . 80 : 0x00000002 }
flowtable f {
# <- storage.type.flowtable.nftables keyword.declaration.flowtable.nftables
# ^ entity.name.flowtable.nftables
hook ingress priority 0;
# <- storage.type.flowtable-hook.nftables
# ^ constant.language.hook.nftables
# ^ storage.type.flowtable-priority.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
devices = { eth0, eth1 }
# <- storage.type.flowtable-devices.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.assignment.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ meta.object.anonymous-set.nftables
flags offload
# <- storage.type.flowtable-flags.nftables
# ^ constant.language.flowtable-flag.nftables
# <- storage.type.flowtable-counter.nftables
chain a-strang3_Name c {
# <- storage.type.chain.nftables keyword.declaration.chain.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ entity.name.chain.nftables
# ^ punctuation.section.block.begin.chain.nftables
ct state established,related counter accept
# ^ punctuation.separator.comma.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
tcp flags & (fin|syn|rst|psh|ack|urg) == 0x0 counter drop
# ^ keyword.operator.bitwise.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.bitwise.nftables
# ^^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.nftables
# ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.nftables
tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size 1-535 counter drop comment "TCP Maximum Segment Size"
# ^ punctuation.separator.dash.nftables
# ^^^^^^^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
ip daddr . tcp dport { . 10-23, . 80-443, * . 53 } accept
# ^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.ipv4-address.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.dash.nftables
# ^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.numeric.ipv4-address.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.wildcard.nftables
limit rate over 1023/second burst 10 packets log prefix "LIMITED"
# <- keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ storage.type.limit-rate.nftables
# ^ constant.language.limit-mode.nftables
# ^ punctuation.separator.limit-rate.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.time-string.nftables
# ^ constant.language.limit-burst.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.limit-unit.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
tcp dport 8888 ct state invalid,untracked synproxy mss 1460 wscale 7 timestamp sack-perm
# ^ storage.type.synproxy.nftables
tcp dport 22 jump {
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.implicit-chain.nftables
# <- meta.block.implicit-chain.nftables
ip saddr {,, } accept
# ^ punctuation.section.braces.begin.anonymous-set.nftables
ip6 saddr ::1/128 accept;
# ^ constant.numeric.ipv6-subnet.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
# <- meta.block.implicit-chain.nftables
# <- punctuation.section.braces.end.implicit-chain.nftables
quota filter example over 100 mbytes used 0 bytes ;
# <- storage.type.quota.nftables keyword.declaration.quota.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.table.nftables
# ^ entity.name.quota.nftables
# ^ constant.language.quota-mode.nftables
# ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.quota-unit.nftables
# ^ constant.language.quota-used.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
# ^ punctuation.terminator.semi-colon.nftables
table ip filter {
chain prerouting {
type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat - 100;
# ^ constant.language.chain-priority.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.nftables
# ^^^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
mark set numgen inc mod 4 offset 3 jump prerouting
# ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.nftables
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
# ^ variable.other.readwrite.chain.nftables
mark set jhash ip saddr . tcp dport . iiftype mod 2
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.concatenation.nftables
meta mark set meta mark lshift 1 or 0x1
# ^ keyword.operator.word.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.word.nftables
tcp dport 80 tproxy to :8080
# ^ keyword.control.rule-statement.verdict.nftables
table netdev filter {
chain ingress {
type filter hook ingress device enp0s20f0 priority -455;
# ^ constant.language.hook.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain-device.nftables
# ^ string.unquoted.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain-priority.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.arithmetic.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables
chain ingress_2 { type filter hook ingress device "enp0s20f0" priority 0; }
# ^^^^^^^^^^^ string.quoted.double.nftables
chain ingress_3 { type filter hook ingress device $_ priority 0; }
# ^ punctuation.definition.variable.nftables
# ^ variable.other.constant.nftables
define devices = { eth0, eth1 }
chain egress {
type filter hook egress devices = $devices priority 0;
# ^ constant.language.hook.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain-devices.nftables
# ^ keyword.operator.assignment.nftables
# ^ punctuation.definition.variable.nftables
# ^ variable.other.constant.nftables
# ^ storage.type.chain-priority.nftables
# ^ constant.numeric.integer.decimal.nftables